Busy Will Never Give Me Courage

Busy Will Never Give Me Courage How will I find courage? The courage to live today. The hard things. The beautiful things. Courage. Be my courage. So courage is not something we muster up. It is something we hold in our hearts. Something to protect, or to recognize. We are not asking for courage, but asking You to be our courage. – Emily P. Freeman. God, our refuge, be my courage. I give my heart to you. The courage to…

Three Steps to Un-Believe the Greatest Lie

Three Steps to Un-Believe the Greatest Lie The very first lie, in the garden of Eden, told to the very first woman, Eve, is a lie we still believe. I have it underlined in my Bible: “Did God actually say…?” The serpent, the evil one is still whispering lies, causing us to doubt the Word of God. Do you think maybe God’s words are important, if the devil tries so hard to get us to un-believe them? Does God say…..?…

How to Hear God When He is Silent

How to Hear God When He is Silent And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire the sound of a low whisper. And when Elijah heard…

Why Waiting is Never Wasted

Why Waiting is Never Wasted {Written almost a year ago….} Today begins a week of waiting. I remember feeling this way the first time around with our adoption of Liana. I was hoping I could avoid this type of stressful waiting the 2nd time around. Alas, here I am again. We will be waiting for a phone call all week. I know it won’t happen today. Today is when the adoption agency gets our letter saying we want to be…