How to Turn Scripture Into Prayer

Welcome to Five Minute Devotionals!  A time to grab your coffee (or tea) and sit for five minutes, read Scripture, and spend a few minutes in prayer! I’ve made it easy for you this morning. Simply jot down the questions below in your journal, or print off the attached PDF of today’s devotional to do in your free time today.  It is about our daily life in the Word. Jesus is ready to meet us here. If you have five minutes to scroll…

Daily Strength Printable and Tuesday Talk

Welcome to TUESDAY TALK! I’m so glad to have you join me this Tuesday for our weekly Tuesday Talk Link-Up! I know you feel empty. I’ve felt it too. I’ve been in the roller coaster of adoption paperwork and just felt devoid of everything. Joy. Peace. Strength. Those times saw me run to the One who promised me these things. As I tried to fill my heart with scripture reading, I had in mind I had to fill it all…

Daily Grace (Giveaway)

I’ve been thinking so much about living in the daily. Abiding is all about living TODAY. Its about being present. I worry so much about tomorrow, and if there will be enough. Enough joy. Enough strength. Enough provision. Enough….grace. But there is. Always. Because my God is a God of enough. He has called me to live in the present. And He’s right here with me. Reading my Bible and prayer are two of the best ways I can stay focused on living in the…