When You Need a Little Hope This Season

Today I’m struggling to find HOPE this season. I couldn’t figure out what has made this Christmas a little more sad than normal. Until I began to see pictures of my friends with their grandparents, I knew. I knew it was her.  I miss her. My sweet grandmother, only gone for 6 years, but it feels like eternity. Her death still affects me today. I long to just sit in her living room, walk into her kitchen, or wrap my arms…

How to Find a Restful Christmas (And Life)

Does Christmas season feel so rushed you can’t catch your breath? Do you feel hurried and stressed from the blessings surrounding you? The dreariness of this time of year doesn’t come close to the emptiness in my soul sometimes. Many people are struggling this time of year. And the cold, lack of snow, and just the grays and browns have me feeling all of the anxiety and none of the anticipation. How do I find a rest-filled Christmas? Simply come….

3 Ways to Study the Bible

Do you struggle with how to study the Bible? Sometimes we have a hard time knowing where to start. We know we should, but where do we start? The Bible is a big book, and some books are easier to read than others. Sometimes we feel like we’ve read a lot of the same passages, so we want to move to something different. It is hard to know how to develop a HABIT of Bible study, but it is still…

3 Truths While You Wait – FREE Devotional

Dear friend, Don’t wait too long to read this. Today is the day you will begin moving ahead. I promise, after you finish this letter, you will take a step. Maybe just one step, but that’s ok. One step is all you need to move forward. First: I GET IT. The waiting hurts – physically and emotionally.  Waiting is hard, on your marriage, your friendships, and your family. It seems like it will never end and  it makes you feel…