Blue Bathroom Blues

Today’s guest post is from a sweet writer-friend! Janet is a Life and Marriage Coach who helps others get unstuck. Find her here on Facebook and Twitter. We have a blue bathroom. Or rather, up until last weekend, we had a blue bathroom. Blue toilet, blue tub, blue tile walls. Very, very blue. Now? Now we have a mess. Yes friends, we are mid-stage of a bathroom redo. Since there is little about this simple redo that has been simple,…

Why We All Need a Bible Study Teacher

One of my favorite memories from my childhood is playing “school” on Thanksgiving and Christmas. All of my cousins can distinctly remember this game we played in our grandmother’s back rooms. We were always on a “break” from school in real life, but we still wanted to play school. I’ll give you one guess who always wanted to be the teacher….yep. That would be me! I’m sure it is hard to imagine, but I was a little bossy when I…

When You Can’t Be Friends With Her

I realized I couldn’t be friends with her the way I wanted, the way I was friends with others…..and I wondered immediately what was wrong with me. I wanted to develop a relationship and connection, but it didn’t happen. I know connection takes time….but I wanted to rush the process. With similar hobbies, interests, life-goals, and temperaments I figured the friendship would grow faster and more naturally. It didn’t. In fact, I realized I probably would never be friends with…

Motherhood: A Golden Key to Balance

Every mom seeks the elusive Golden Key to Balance.  Daily, inner battles wage as we second-guess discipline, housework, and meal selections.  We juggle careers, interpersonal relationships, and self-care.  The frequent question, “How to get it all done?” lurks in the back of our minds. In our quest for balance, we often lose sight of God’s perspective.  Jesus’ words to frazzled Martha apply to the modern-day wife and mother: “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is…