Three Truths about the Holy Spirit 

Three Truths about the Holy Spirit  One of the beautiful things about the Bible is that you can read it over and over again. Throughout the years of studying and reading my Bible I am always surprised (although I shouldn’t be) that it speaks to me fresh and new in seasons I need it.  The other day I was reading the account of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and her encounter with the angel. In her home, in the quiet…

Grief in Hope

Grief in Hope Today I’m sharing on Lisa’s amazingly beautiful and incredibly encouraging website, Hope in Grief. Below you can read an excerpt, but visit Lisa’s site to read the rest of the article. While living in Honduras we never had all four seasons. It was either hot or hotter. This was a big adjustment for me. I was used to freezing winters and summer heat. My favorite season was Fall because of the colors and crisp, cool air. Changing…