How Jesus Comforts Us with His Compassion

How Jesus Comforts Us with His Compassion The text message punched me in the gut. I stood there, the tears pouring down my cheeks as I held the grief of someone I knew in my hands. Tragedy. Unknowable pain. Grief and loss filled the air around me. I immediately called my husband, “You’ll never believe what I just heard!”  Those messages stay with us. Those moments in time when we hear of another’s pain and heartache are etched into our…

Trusting God’s Character

Trusting God’s Character Today’s guest post is written by Amy Elaine Martinez. Hey sweet friends, before we begin, I need to let you know this story has some trigger points regarding suicide. If this subject is too much or still too raw for you, please stop here and know I am praying for your heart today.  Ten days after we dropped my son off for college, we were packing his things back into his car. We had bought and remodeled…

The Unexpected Invitation

The Unexpected Invitation Melinda Patrick is the author of today’s guest post. “Mom, I love you and don’t like keeping secrets from you. I need to tell you something. I have a girlfriend.” These are heart-sinking words when they come from your daughter. In the short time it takes for your mind to begin to grasp the words before you, your world comes crumbling down. Life, as you know it, has immediately changed.  Unexpected news has a way of revealing…