What We Lose When We Focus on God as a Personal God

One Monday morning I felt all the Monday-Feelings.  I woke up and drank from the same coffee cup. I got their lunches ready, like I do every Monday morning. I ate a boring breakfast, and fixed cereal again for the kids. We got in the car and we drove the same road we’ve driven every morning for the entire school year. How I do keep going, when life is so boring? How do I find excitement each afternoon, trying to…

Summer of Psalms

Summer of Psalms for Busy Moms Do you struggle with finding time to read the Bible during the summer Is your summer Bible study routine mismatched and disjointed? Do you lack focus and direction in Bible reading? Check out my brand new 40-day reading plan. In this plan you will be able to read the Psalm, write your prayers and journal your thoughts and answer reflection questions all in one place! SUMMER OF PSALMS FOR BUSY MOMS is the perfect answer to your busy…

What Will My Children Remember About Me?

Mother’s Day is just around the corner, what will your children remember about you, momma? I was laying on the couch trying to nap the other day and I had a flashback to my own childhood. As my sweet babies played quietly (or not so quietly, let’s be honest) during nap time, I remembered my mom took a lot of naps growing up. Everyday in the afternoon she would go to her bedroom (lock the door) and take a quick…

10 Ways to Seek God in the Morning

Download the list in a PDF format here! 10 Ways to Seek God in the Morning What is it about mornings? It seems I think best in the early hours of the day. I see things more clearly. I am able to focus my mind a little better. When I think about getting up early, it is always met with mixed feelings. I shared a few weeks ago how I am trying to do better with getting up early. I’ve done…