3 Ways to Shine a Light in the Darkness

The fear comes at night when the lights turn out. I can feel the darkness as a tangible sadness. It feels real, the darkness of depression. Sometimes it feels like a weight on my chest. Other times it feels like a heavy fog, clouding my thoughts. Most of the time I can’t breathe. Under the covers, I could feel my legs but couldn’t move them. The physical darkness of my bedroom suffocates me and I feel the air trapped in…

10 Ways to Seek God in the Morning

Download the list in a PDF format here! 10 Ways to Seek God in the Morning What is it about mornings? It seems I think best in the early hours of the day. I see things more clearly. I am able to focus my mind a little better. When I think about getting up early, it is always met with mixed feelings. I shared a few weeks ago how I am trying to do better with getting up early. I’ve done…

How to Create in the Darkness

On the morning of March 25 I woke up earlier than I had in a few weeks. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean to sleep later than my alarm clock, but since the time change, getting up early has become harder and harder. So on this day I found in the kitchen at my desk while it was still dark outside. In the top right corner of one of the windows in front of me was a tiny spider. She was…

41 Days of Psalms – Reading Plan – FREE!

Since January I’ve been reading a Psalm a day. I’ve been doing other studies, and reading other passages as well, but I make sure if I don’t have time for deeper or a longer Bible study time I at least read one Psalm a day. If I skip a day, I read two the next day. It is now the end of April and I have to say this has been the easiest and the most rewarding Bible reading plan…