How We Know God’s Word Is Trustworthy

How We Know God’s Word Is Trustworthy Have you ever been betrayed by someone? I think we’ve all been there. I remember being betrayed by close friends in my early twenties. I was an adult, married, with a little baby. These things didn’t happen to me now, right? I wasn’t in high school anymore. But I was betrayed. Lied about and hurt deeply.  In our deepest hurts we sometimes hold on to the lies the enemy whispers: We can’t trust…

Looking Up From the Pit : A Free Audio Devotional

Looking Up From the Pit : A Free Audio Devotional  While in the pit of despair, we hate that phrase don’t we? Of course we are looking up! Only, when we do look up from the pit all we see is a nasty hole above us. We know the way out, but we can’t get there. So we just resign to stop looking up to what we can’t grasp.  Have you ever felt so utterly afraid you couldn’t even look…

When Life is Crazy, There is Always Hope

When Life is Crazy, There is Always Hope  When life is crazy…there is always hope.  The world is a little upside down, isn’t it? The virus, social distancing, statistics, quarantine, restricted travel, and closed borders. So many voices crowding for a spot in our heads, and eventually it makes its way to our hearts.  These are the days of slow mornings, empty calendars, and fear. Desperate for news, we run to our phones, devices, computers, and miss it. There is…

The Kindness of God

The Kindness of God Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield. For our heart shall rejoice in Him because we have trusted in His holy name. Let Your mercy – (covenant keeping love) be upon us, just as we hope in You. Psalm 33:20-22 (emphasis mine) Rejoice by waiting, trusting, and hoping. So how do we see the kindness of God?  Wait on God to move. Trust His timing. Hope is the assurance that He…