How To Be Ready for The New Year

How To Be Ready for The New Year Do you dread January? January seems to get us all excited for resolutions, goals, dreams, planning, and new beginnings. I’m all for fresh starts, but sometimes I just don’t know where to start? Do you ever feel this way? I want to change (oh how I want to change), but how? I know I need to eat better and move more, but how I can implement a plan I know will work?…

3 Ways to Study the Bible

Do you struggle with how to study the Bible? Sometimes we have a hard time knowing where to start. We know we should, but where do we start? The Bible is a big book, and some books are easier to read than others. Sometimes we feel like we’ve read a lot of the same passages, so we want to move to something different. It is hard to know how to develop a HABIT of Bible study, but it is still…

3 Truths While You Wait – FREE Devotional

Dear friend, Don’t wait too long to read this. Today is the day you will begin moving ahead. I promise, after you finish this letter, you will take a step. Maybe just one step, but that’s ok. One step is all you need to move forward. First: I GET IT. The waiting hurts – physically and emotionally.  Waiting is hard, on your marriage, your friendships, and your family. It seems like it will never end and  it makes you feel…

How to Turn Scripture Into Prayer

Welcome to Five Minute Devotionals!  A time to grab your coffee (or tea) and sit for five minutes, read Scripture, and spend a few minutes in prayer! I’ve made it easy for you this morning. Simply jot down the questions below in your journal, or print off the attached PDF of today’s devotional to do in your free time today.  It is about our daily life in the Word. Jesus is ready to meet us here. If you have five minutes to scroll…