Seven of the Best Women Bible Study Teachers

Seven of the Best Women Bible Study Teachers 

Over the past seven years I’ve held an in-home Bible study. In that time we would do around three Bible studies a year.  I’ve led and been a part of Bible studies for over twenty years now. I’ve done all of the “big names” in Bible study, as well as lesser-known Bible teachers. After doing a lot of research, here are seven of the best women Bible study teachers. I feel these seven authors offer the best options if you want to dig deep, and understand scripture more fully! 

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Seven of the Best Women Bible Study Teachers 

  1. Beth Moore

Beth Moore has the touch of a true Bible teacher. Although she has had her fair share of controversy, I would still recommend her Bible studies to you. They are in-depth, very well researched, and extremely fun to read! Be cautioned as most of her studies require at least twenty-thirty minutes per day to dig into the passages. If you have lots of time to devote to Bible study, her studies might be a good fit for you. 

Here are a few of her Bible studies I recommend: 

Esther: Its Tough Being a Woman

James: Mercy Triumphs 

1&2 Thessalonians: Children of the Day 

The Patriarchs: Abraham, Issac, and Jacob 

Fruit of the Spirit: Living Beyond Yourself 

  1. Cynthia Heald 

One of my very first Bible studies I did as a young college study was Cynthia Heald’s “Intimacy with God.It is a deep look into the psalms. Since then,  I’ve done every single Bible study she has written. Her wisdom, insight, and easy-to-follow studies are perfect for the busy woman who wants to go deeper, but lacks a lot of time to do a more than fifteen minutes of study. 

Here are a few of her Bible studies I recommend: 

Becoming a Woman Whose God is Enough 

Becoming a Woman of Prayer 

Becoming a Woman of Strength 

Becoming a Woman of Grace 

Becoming a Woman of Simplicity 

Becoming a Woman of Purpose 

Intimacy with God 

Becoming a Woman of Love 

Becoming a Woman of Faith 

  1. Elizabeth George

This is another author I read while in high school and college. Her books are short, but very deep. She likes to tackle short books of the Bible or do topical studies. I recommend Elizabeth George as a great Bible teacher who knows just the right questions to ask! 

Here are a few of her Bible studies I recommend: 

Loving God With All Your Mind 

Putting On a Gentle and Quiet Spirit: 1 Peter 

Experiencing God’s Peace: Philippians 

Growing in Wisdom and Faith: James 

Living with Passion and Purpose: Luke 

The Remarkable Women of the Bible 

Becoming a Woman of Beauty and Strength: Esther 

  1. Kelly Minter

Although I’ve only done one of Kelly Minter’s Bible study, I would highly recommend her as a Bible teacher. “Finding God Faithful”  was a Bible study based on the life of Joseph. Growing up in church I thought I would already know all about Jospeh. She unearthed things I had never noticed before and really made it relevant to my life today. Her homework is also very intense. Be prepared to spend at least thirty minutes a day completing it! You can check out her page here for more information about her studies. 

  1. Priscilla Shirer

Priscilla is another author I’ve only done one Bible study of, but would still highly recommend. I did her study, “He Speaks to Me” which is on the life of Samuel. I remember doing this study as a new mom and feeling so unsure about my next step spiritually. Not only was the homework a good length, and very doable for the busier woman, it was so insightful full of truth. Not only that, but if you watch videos her teaching she is a joy to watch! Check out her studies here. 

  1. Lysa Terkeurst  

One of my very favorite Bible study teachers and authors is Lysa Terkeurst. Lysa always speaks from a place of authenticity and knows how to voice the things I’m thinking. Although I’ve read more of Lysa’s trade books, her Bibles studies are the real deal. She spends house pouring over scruple and knows so much about the Biblical narrative. These studies vary in length and depth. 

Here are a few of her Bible studies I recommend:

Trustworthy: 1&2 Kings 

Finding I Am 

Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl 

  1. Jen Wilkin

By far my favorite Bible study teacher is Jen Wilkin. I’ve done several of her studies and she remains the top choice for a good Bible teacher. Her homework is in-depth, but doesn’t require a ton of time. She knows how to study the Bible and doesn’t just ask questions which have one answer. She is great at leading you through the Biblical text without just giving you the answers. Of all of the Bible teachers and authors, she is my first choice!

Here are a few of her Bible studies I recommend: 

Better: Hebrews 

God of Creation: Genesis 1-11 

Living Hope: 1 Peter 

God of Covenant: Genesis 12-50 

Sermon on the Mount 

*Not a “bible study” but a book I highly recommend to study the Bible on your own: 

Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin 

What Bible study teachers do you recommend? I’m always looking for fresh, new ideas and would love to check out some new Bible study teachers. Leave a comment below and let me know!

Sarah E. Frazer is a writer and Bible study mentor at She is the wife of Jason and mother of five who all serve as full-time missionaries in Honduras. Her passion is to encourage women to fall in love with the Bible. Sarah is the author of several Bible study resources for women. She share tools for deep-rooted Bible study at Follow her on Instagram ( and join her free prayer challenge at

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