How to Study the Bible for Beginners – Choosing Where to Read

How to Study the Bible for Beginners – Choosing Where to Read

Have you ever asked this question:

Where do I read in the Bible today?

Today I want to share how to study the Bible for beginners with the NUMBER ONE way you choose where to read. It is super simple and I hope you keep reading to find out what I mean by this!

Get a Plan. When we have a plan, SOMEONE else chooses for us! If you are like me you need someone else to make the decision for you. We make so many choices in our day. One study I read said that we make over 35,000 decisions in a day. I think it doubles if you are a woman. That’s just my opinion though!

Take the confusion out of Bible reading and look for the perfect Bible reading plan to help you choose where to read in the Bible. I’ve listened to several below, but if you are wanting to create your won Bible reading plan, I’ve detailed steps here on how to do it here.

Another option is to start at the beginning. I consider two places in the Bible to be “the beginning.” The first is obvious – Genesis. It is the first book of the Bible. Another book which I think is a great beginner book of the Bible is John. The Gospel of John is the fourth book in the New Testament. Knowing Jesus and how God has come to save us from our sins is so clearly laid out in John I love reading this book! I talk more about where to start reading in the Bible here.

So if you are stuck with where to read in the Bible, make it simple. Don’t choose, let someone else choose for you. When you do, make sure you trust that person you are listening to – but really reading the Bible can’t be wrong. No matter where you start (and continue) to read in the Bible you will be blessed! My disclaimer, of course, is that some books and passages of the Bible are harder to understand than others.

Here are a few free Bible reading plans you can start using today!

Free Bible Reading Plans

​Bible Reading Challenge  – Read Through the New Testament in a summer. This is an intense Bible reading challenge. It takes about 15-20 minutes each day. This one starts on Monday (June 1). I’ll be doing it again this summer and you can read my testimony here. If you are reading this post after June 1, 2020, you will find the current Bible Reading Challenge here.

​Read Through the Bible (Not in a Year) – This is a slower method, with only three chapters a day. It takes about 5-10 minutes. You can read through the entire Bible in about two years. I started reading through the Bible using this method years ago and I love it.

Topical Bible Reading – Are you struggling with a certain area in your life? Download these five different plans here. Each day takes about 5 minutes. All of the verses center around one topic. Find them here.

​12 Days in the Psalms is my BRAND NEW Bible reading plan. This plan is free. So, find it here.

If you want more than just a checklist, download the 22 journal pages, lock screens, and more! Transform your Bible reading, ignite a passion for God’s Word, and get a guided step-by-step guide to help you along each day. Available for a limited time here.

What is your biggest struggle when it comes to Bible reading and prayer? Comment below and I’d love to send you a FREE resource I might have to help you!

Sarah E. Frazer is a writer and Bible study mentor at She is the wife of Jason and mother of five who all serve as full-time missionaries in Honduras. Her passion is to encourage women to fall in love with the Bible. Sarah is the author of several Bible study resources for women. She shares tools for deep-rooted Bible study at Follow her on Instagram ( and join her free prayer challenge at

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