How God’s Word Can Change Us

How God’s Word Can Change Us

Don’t think you can read God’s word and not be changed? Many have said it is like a mirror. It shows us what we are really like and then offers us a new way of living. ⁠Not only does God’s Word change our hearts, it can change our actions. How we think, feel, speak, and live our lives can be a reflection of what we read in the Bible. No, it is not a magic formula, but it does contain power and peace beyond what the world can offer. So if change is what you want, why not start in the Bible? Here are seven ways God’s Word changes us.

Seven Ways God’s Word Changes Us

1. Do you feel convicted when you read the Bible? ⁠Good! Use that to run to God. He is ready to forgive and restore your life. (1 John 1:9)

2. Do you feel passionate about telling others about Him? Good! Use that to run to your friend and family to tell them about Christ’s offer of salvation! (Matthew 28:16-20)

3. Do you feel comforted? Good! Use His Word to speak to your heart each time during the day it wants to worry. Speak comfort to those around you too. (Romans 15:13)

4. Do you feel empowered to take a step of faith? Good! Take that step of faith into what you feel like God is calling you to do. (Ephesians 6:15)

5. Do you have clarity? Good! God can give us clarity about our work, relationships, and even our decisions when we draw close to Him through the Bible. (James 1:5)

6. Do you have more patience with others? Good! You can begin to see people the way God sees them and learn how to love like He does. (1 Peter 4:8)

7. Do you feel at peace? Good. Keep that peace close to your heart as you remember our God does provide more peace than we could even imagine. (Philippians 4:7) 

If you want to make changes, read your Bible. It won’t change you overnight, but it really will make a difference in your attitude and I can promise God will begin to shift and shape you into being more like Christ. 

Do you want to change? 

That’s another question and I hope the answer is yes, my friend. You CAN change and I would love to see you succeed. One of the BEST tools for change in my own heart has been Gratitude. Yes. Simply giving thanks for those things in my life God has given me. 

What if God hasn’t given me anything? 

The question plagued me a couple of years ago. I wondered – could I praise God even if I couldn’t see anything good in my life? A few years ago I was struggling through a season, when I felt God wanted me to start giving Him thanks. It didn’t seem like I could. Nothing in my life felt right or good. 

But I began to see that giving thanks had nothing to do with my circumstances, but it had everything to do with Who God is. So I created this journal to help me understand more of who God is. For the next fourteen days let’s read verses in the Bible that remind us of God’s character.  There is truly no one like our God and we can give thanks for this! Download the reading plan for FREE here!

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