Five Truths You Need Everyday

Five Truths You Need Everyday

Truth. I need to speak it because my heart is so prone to lies. Not my lies, the enemy’s lies. The heartache, the sorrow, the grief, the hard parts of life all will say these lies to our heart: 

You don’t matter. You are alone. You can’t do this. You are forgotten. You will never succeed. 

What combats lies? We know this. Truth. Truth overcomes lies every time. 

Sometimes it is so hard to remember the truth! Even when I read my Bible in the morning, that evening my mind and heart had forgotten what was true. SO we must fight for truth. We must use words to fight for the truth. What words? 

God’s Word of course. We need His word in our hearts on a daily basis. No, we need His truth each and every moment we face. It is not a coincidence that God created the world to be 24 hours and that He promises to walk daily with us – upholding us with His strong hand. We wonder, practically speaking, how do we do this? 

One way is to speak the truth in love. What is the truth? Try these five truths to start with and go from there. 

5 Truths You Need Every Day

1. You were chosen for this. Whatever your circumstances today – God has chosen you to do this. Don’t back down. Do it. God is with you! (Joshua 1:9)⁠

2. You are equipped for this. God called you, not because you were equipped but because He will equip you. (2 Corinthians 9:8)⁠

3. You are so very loved. There is nothing God can’t forgive. So stop holding on to the guilt of the past. He doesn’t, why should you? (I John 1:9)⁠

4. You will get through this. All of life’s heartaches are for a season. It is the nature of life. Lean into God and keep Him first. (Isaiah 40:3-5; 30-31)⁠

5. Rest in your identity in Christ. Nothing can separate you from Christ. Believe it. Claim it. Say it out loud. (Romans 8:31-39)

Friend. Speak Truth to yourself. Read God’s Word and Speak Truth. In fact, use this FREE PDF to speak truth to your heart whoever you are! These are my Truth Cards – for when life is hard. Print them off, keep them in your purse or pocket. Pull them out while you go about your day to remember: God is truth. 

In the waters of depression I’ve had moments of complete and utter feelings of aloneness. I’ve questioned my own life, my value, and the very beliefs I’ve always held dear. I questioned the very existence of God Himself.

In the floods I’ve also been lifted above these moments. I’ve felt my heartbeat from anxiety to peace in a matter of minutes through the supernatural power of God’s Presence and the powerful reading of His Word.

Living on the edge of “I don’t know…” can still be beautiful. In sadness, we can find hope because we can find Him. Download these TRUTH CARDS to fight whatever lies you are believing today. 

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