Stories Change Us: A Guided Reading Plan for the Summer

Stories Change Us: A Guided Reading Plan for the Summer
Everytime we drive by our local pool I tell the kids, “I can’t wait until summer!” Last year was our first summer in this new city we are living in. I knew right away that we wanted to join the pool because it was just five minutes from our house. We loved spending lazy summer days there. I can’t wait to do that again. For many years as a mom I’ve read the Bible periodically through the summer. But because the schedule is different and I like to do things with my kids last minute, we rarely have a routine.
So how do I stay consistent during this season? This is the question I have asked myself for several years – every summer. In the past I always shared my Psalms for Summer, but this year I wanted to provide a different reading plan for the summer. The Book of Psalms is wonderful, but the Bible is filled with amazing books and stories that we often neglect. So, for this summer, I wanted to share a reading plan for you based on some of my favorite Bible stories.

Stories Teach Us
I recently read the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy. I’ll be sharing in a few weeks what God taught me while reading that story. But one of the things I was reminded of is that stories teach us about God and give us strength for our own story. Take five or ten minutes each day and open your Bible with me as we read through some of the stories in the Bible.
Maybe some of these stories will speak to your heart, even if these stories are familiar. For the past four years I’ve studied the life of Moses. Although I thought I knew Moses’ story, reading through it again was amazing. I noticed different things and so maybe you can too with these stories.
New Truths from Old Stories
As you take a look at this list of stories, don’t think, “Oh, I know these stories…” Think of these stories as a way to see new (but old) truths about God. Below you will find a list of stories and the scripture references you can use. However, if you follow this link and enter your email, you can get a copy of the reading plan in a PDF in addition to reflection questions for the stories.

I’ve not dated this reading plan because it is hard to keep up with a rigid schedule during the summer. There are sixteen stories that you can read over the next couple of months. Each story is about three chapters of reading. As an average reader it should only take you 10-15 minutes to read (or less!). You don’t have to answer any questions and if you listen with the Bible app it can be done while cleaning up the kitchen at the end of your day!
I hope you enjoy it!
Let’s Read the Bible: Stories That Point Us to God
Old Testament
The Garden of Eden – Genesis 1-3
Abraham, Sarah, & the Promise – Genesis 15, Genesis 17:15-27, Genesis 18:1-15, Genesis 21:1-7
Jacob and His Wives – Genesis 29-31
Joseph and His Brothers – Genesis 37, 42-46
The Friendship of Moses & Joshua – Exodus 24, Numbers 27, Deuteronomy 31, Joshua 1
Deborah and Barak – Judges 4-5
The Love Story in Ruth – Ruth 1-4
Elijah and Depression – 2 Kings 3, 9, and 10
Ezra and The Law – Nehemiah 8-9, 13
New Testament
John the Baptist – Matthew 3, John 1
Jesus, the One Who Heals – Matthew 14:34-36, Matthew 12:22-23, Matthew 21:14, Mark 1:29-31, Mark 1:40-45, Mark 3:1-6, Mark 5:24-34, Luke 7:11-18, Luke 8:40-42 & 49-56, Luke 9:37- 43, John 4:46-54, John 5:1-9
Jesus, the One Who Feeds – Mark 8:1-10, Matthew 5:32-39, Luke 5:1-11, John 21:4-11
Jesus, the I AM – John 6, John 8, John 10, John 11, John 15
Peter’s Betrayal & Restoration – Matthew 26:33–35, Mark 14:29–31, Luke 22:33–34, John 13:36–38 & John 21:1-23
Paul’s Conversion – Acts 9, Acts 22, Acts 26
Get a copy of the reading plan here.