Let’s Read the Bible: Ruth

Let’s Read the Bible: Ruth Do you want to study the book of Ruth? Watch this video before you get started. Discover… How does the book of Judges fit with Ruth? Who are the main characters? Why isn’t it just a love story? What are the themes? Watch the Video Here Don’t forget you can study Ruth with my Bible Reading & Study Guides here! Have you ever said: I am so confused when I read my Bible. What do…

Bible Reading and Study Guide for Ruth

Bible Reading and Study Guide for Ruth Ruth is a fantastic book of the Bible. A long time again, I took a remote Bible class. In this class I was taught how to study the Bible for myself. The final assignment for this class was to study out an entire book of the Bible and write Sunday school lesson plans based on what we learned. As a new mom and the young age of twenty-four, I chose my favorite book…

An Overview of the Book of Ruth

An Overview of the Book of Ruth I want to go out on a limb and say you’ve probably read or heard about the book of Ruth in the Bible. One of the most famous stories in our Old Testament, Ruth tells the story of a foreigner woman who chooses to live with her widowed mother-in-law and then ends up marrying a rich landowner. Makes for the perfect Hollywood love story, doesn’t it?  Only, what if the book of Ruth…

What Does “Tender-Hearted” Mean?

What Does “Tender-Hearted” Mean? *This article can be found here on Crosswalk in its entirety. Christians can sometimes have the tendency to be “hard” hearted. The other day I was scrolling through social media and realized I had just read three very devastating news articles in row. My heart wasn’t even moved a bit. I didn’t feel sorry for those people. There was no emotional response.  This isn’t how Christians are to respond to sad news. Instead, Paul says we…