Loneliness & The Long Obedience

Loneliness & The Long Obedience  Do you know about Sarah, the wife of Abraham, found in Genesis 12? At first, her name was Sarai, which means princess. Surely, she was her father’s princess. One day Sarai’s husband came to her with a vision from God. They would leave. Everything.  Not only was Sarai to say goodbye to her country, but her family as well. Sarah took her possessions; but she could not take her family. You see, even though Abram…

God Can Handle Your Questions

God Can Handle Your Questions  “We must understand that for God to give “songs in the night,” He must first make it night.” – Lettie B. Cowman A man named Lazarus was ill and eventually died. In John 8 we read the story and like to skip to the end when Jesus raises him from the dead. Lazarus’ sisters, Mary and Martha, weren’t looking for a resurrecting, they were looking for a healing. They knew Jesus could heal him. They…

How to See In the Dark: A FREE Reading Plan on Hope

How to See In the Dark: A FREE Reading Plan on Hope  “Hope itself is like a star- not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity. ”- CH Spurgeon Do you find yourself surrounded by darkness? Maybe it is full of fear, anxiety, or depression. Maybe family relationships are strained, and are only filled with bitterness and strife. Darkness seems to permeate our world. Light is the first thing…

Looking Up From the Pit : A Free Audio Devotional

Looking Up From the Pit : A Free Audio Devotional  While in the pit of despair, we hate that phrase don’t we? Of course we are looking up! Only, when we do look up from the pit all we see is a nasty hole above us. We know the way out, but we can’t get there. So we just resign to stop looking up to what we can’t grasp.  Have you ever felt so utterly afraid you couldn’t even look…