How the Cross Taught Me About the Goodness of God

How the Cross Taught Me About the Goodness of God He is always good.  Sometimes I don’t understand this truth. Even if its true. Nothing in this life from the outside will tell you God is good. In fact, some days I can the the skeptic’s and atheist’s points of view. If all you see, with a dead heart and dead eyes is the surface, then yes. God cannot be good. Or if He is good, He cannot be all-powerful….

The Only Way to Know Christ

The Only Way To Know Christ Knowledge is everything. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is only important if you know the right things. One of my favorite newer songs we sing in church is “Knowing Christ.” It was taken from Philippians 4:10. The entire passage says: But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom…

Best Tips and Practices for Bible Study 

Best Tips and Practices for Bible Study I met one of my soul sisters in a closet.  That’s right.  A real closet in an elementary school we both taught at almost ten years ago. We call ourselves the “soul sisters.” I know. Not super original and very cheesy – but you see, my group of girls are all both super normal and super cheesy. We love each other. It all started over six years ago. I was feeling very alone in…

How to Praise God When We Don’t Feel Like It

How to Praise God When We Don’t Feel Like It When I was a little girl, our church joined two other churches in the area for a revival. Each night of the week we would gather at one of the churches for a service. The first night was at our sweet little white church.  The next night we drove a few miles to the brick church next to the river. It was tall, and stately. All three choirs joined together…