Jesus Doesn’t Want Your Money

Jesus Doesn’t Want Your Money A man asked Jesus, What do I need to do for enteranl life? Jesus’ response was, Keep all of the commandments. The man answered Jesus, All these I have kept. What do I still lack?  All his life he desired to do the right thing, choosing an outward life of sacrifice, only to find himself still empty. So he went to the Teacher. Surely he had missed a commandant. Maybe there was something more to do. Imgaine the man’s disappointment when he realized…

3 Truths When Ministry is Hard

Ministry, in any aspect, is hard.  It can wear us thin and cause us to stay awake at night. Ministry takes planning, organizing, and time away from things we like. We see a need, we feel like we should fill it. Can I whisper a freeing truth in your ear? Every need is not a call. Just because you see a need, doesn’t mean you are called to fill it. Before starting any new ministry, or if you are trying to let go of…

What I Learned This Summer 2016

When life hands you a season of rest, take it. This summer I did. After wrapping up school, I decided to take a step back from the things I was frantically doing each day. Blogwork. Housework. Schoolwork. Bible work. Although all of those things are good things. And all of those things are profitable. But sometimes work needs to be laid aside for a season of rest. Sometimes a season of talking needs to be replaced with a season of listening….

When the Hurting Become the Healers

My husband and I were talking the other day about our church. You see, a couple of years ago our church found itself without a pastor. Right about the same time a pastor found himself without a church. To make a long story short, this godly man agreed to be our interim pastor until we could find a permanent one. What we didn’t know, and what he didn’t know, was what God was going to do. As we met together every Sunday and Wednesday, he…