Three Reasons Why God’s Presence Is My Good

Psalm 73:28: “But as for me, God’s presence is my good. I have made the Lord God my refuge, so I can tell about all You do.”  God’s presence means….. My Witness. {So I can tell about all You do} As my life reflects more and more the presence of God, I can’t help but tell others. Throughout the Psalms, we read how God rescues, redeems, restores, and is a refuge for all of His people. The response to all of those things is to…

31 Days {Crash}

{Crash} Last month, while on vacation, our family was in a serious car accident. The moment of the crash is all a blur now, but the feelings of panic and fear have lingered. We are giving thanks daily for God’s protection on our family. No one was seriously injured. Our car was totaled, but we are fine. At the time of the crash, we were on vacation thousands of miles from home or family. My uncle lived several miles away….

31 Days {Silence}

{Silence} Not all silence is golden. Any mom of young children knows that silence means trouble! Sometimes I crave silence with how loud my house can become! Late at night, when all is quiet, I finally take a breath. I inhale the silence. I exhale the weight of the world. My outward life is so noisy, but my inward life doesn’t have to be. I am constantly seeking to be silent with my relationship with God. I crave to be…

31 Days {Value}

{Value} What do I value? I’d like to say I value people. Relationships. But does my life reflect this? Do I rush through life, forgetting birthdays and forgetting milestones? Am I too busy to call that friend from long ago and just talk. If I wait until the perfect time to connect, we will stay distant. I want to really live like I value the important things. The eternal things. God’s Word. People. Those are the only two things that…