Prayer and Peace

Prayer and Peace  Have you ever said, “I just want some peace and quiet?” If you are a mom, then you most definitely have said those words. In fact you probably say them daily if you are anything like me. Last month I was writing a Bible study on the word peace and how Jesus brought us peace. We all want a little peace right? Peace in the Bible is not the absence of pain or anxiety, but the presence…

Don’t Pray Alone

Don’t Pray Alone My husband and I are so blessed to be a part of a team here in Honduras. We moved to this Central American country in January of 2020. When we moved here there were already three other families living and serving here in our city. Being a part of a team can be a lot of work. Communication is key. That is why the four wives and a single lady all have a group text going to…

Let’s Read the Bible – YouTube

Did you know I have a YouTube Channel? You can check it out here. I love to encourage moms, especially the tired ones, to read the Bible. Here you can find videos on how to read your Bible. Things like:  – Why we need our Bibles – What does the Bible say about anxiety?  – Truth and Tips on Prayer – Does God really love us?  Also included are overviews for various books of the Bible. Books like, Ruth, Judges,…

Need a Summer Reading Plan? 

Need a Summer Reading Plan?  Although summertime is often filled with late nights and slow mornings, I have decided to do something different this summer. Instead of sleeping in with the kids, I’ve decided to set my alarm a little earlier than normal. I put a special alarm on my phone to remind me to read my Bible. When routines are out of whack it is hard to keep on a schedule, so that is why I put an alarm…