Do you need to feel God’s love?

Do you need to feel God’s love? Did you know sometimes I don’t “feel” loved by God? Most of the time I’m feeling guilty for a bad choice….or maybe it has been a couple of days since I read my Bible. Either way, there are times I sit and think: Does God really love me? It is silly – especially since I KNOW God loves me. I sing about it. I tell my children this truth. I make life choices…

What If We Took God At His Word?

  On the first day of spring it snowed. Welcome to the Appalachian mountains. West Virginia holds four fluid seasons, but I’m ready for spring. Saying goodbye to winter with its cold, dark nights, and germs. Winter has been long this year. Not necessarily super cold or lots and lots of snow, but it seems like it started early in October and now into the later part of March we are shoveling the white stuff off of our driveway again….

When We Long for Springtime

Snow is in our forecast this coming weekend. Driving through the dark, city streets on our bi-monthly date night I pondered the cold winter months. We are moving to Honduras soon. In fact, while I’m typing this we’ve been back in the States for three days after a week-long trip. I miss the warm weather – even if it did rain. The warm weather does a heart good, doesn’t it? Living in an area where we get all four seasons…

Discipline: A Glad Surrender

One of the best books I’ve read this year so far has been Elisabeth Elliot’s book: Discipline: The Glad Surrender. When I read the title I immediately thought about my Grace Goal for this year: discipline. You see, God has been laying on my heart the idea of discipline for a few years; but this year I’ve decided I need to listen to His voice. As I read this book, I realized I didn’t just need help with discipline for…