Five Ways God Never Changes

Five Ways God Never Changes  Harvest. To reap. A gathering of crops. A verb and a noun. When I think of harvesting, I think of gathering and taking. I think of the plants who worked so hard for the past season to grow, nurture, and mature the fruit. Suddenly, its time to let go. Harvest is a season of change. A season from going to sparse to plenty. From having nothing to having everything. I don’t live in a culture…

Eleven Reasons Why We Can Praise God

Eleven Reasons Why We Can Praise God What if God is calling you to something super hard? God has definitely called me (and our entire family) to something SUPER hard. We announced big changes last week. But I’m not the only one who has every faced big changes or a big calling. In fact, God has shown me some amazing truths as my Bible study girls and I have been walking through Genesis. At first I wasn’t sure whether I…

Why We Are Moving to Honduras

Coffee smells like home to me. It tastes like warmth sliding down into my very soul. I love it with all the cream and sugar until it is a caramel color. The best is on cold mornings in the fall. The mornings I actually get up early and have time to sit and savor a cup before the kids wake up is the best kind of way to start a day. God is asking me to savor something else these…

Set Fire to Fear by PAUSING

Set Fire to Fear by PAUSING When God spoke the sun into being, did the fire burn slow and get bigger and bigger into the flame it is now? Or did it burst forth into a fireball of beauty, light, and life-giving warmth? When God spoke the sun in creation on that fourth day, what kind of light existed before it? Sometimes these deep questions find me here in my ordinary days. On the days when mornings come early and…