Why God Uses Stories

Why God Uses Stories Do you like stories?  As a child I loved listening to my mom read us stories. She also taught us stories at church and with Gospel clubs during the summer hosted in our homes. Growing up I heard stories all of the time. Stories about people and places I’d never been to, but stories took me there.  As soon as I was old enough to pick my own stories I did just that. My mom homeschooled…

Stories Change Us: A Guided Reading Plan for the Summer

Stories Change Us: A Guided Reading Plan for the Summer Everytime we drive by our local pool I tell the kids, “I can’t wait until summer!” Last year was our first summer in this new city we are living in. I knew right away that we wanted to join the pool because it was just five minutes from our house. We loved spending lazy summer days there. I can’t wait to do that again. For many years as a mom…

How to Set Goals if You Are Barely Surviving

How to Set Goals if You Are Barely Surviving It was my second 5K that I had run in the past year, but it turned out to be my worst. All throughout the race I felt tired and weary. It was not a fun race. By the time I reached the finished line I had hurt my ankle and I was limping. Crossing the line felt like a relief and tears welled up in my eyes. It was not a…

A Closer Look at Psalm 90-91

A Closer Look at Psalm 90-91 When our family moved overseas I claimed Psalm 90:1 as my theme verse! We said goodbye to a home we had for over fifteen years. Living in Central America we began to grow roots again and home shifted for me. I never thought I would think of that home in Honduras as a real home. But after two years I did! Only, God moved us (again!) back to the United States. So I had…