Four Ways to Choose Hope Today

Four Ways to Choose Hope Today When someone asked me a few weeks ago what I was feeling at the beginning of 2021, I think the words: “cautiously hopeful” came out almost immediately. I’m cautiously hopeful this year will be better. Are you wondering if you could choose hope too? Sometimes the practical is the best.  If you need some immediate hope I encourage you to try one of these things: Four Ways to Choose Hope Today:  1. Go outside….

What Kind of Hope Do We Have?

What Kind of Hope Do We Have?  As we move into this new year I wanted to offer a little hope. We all need a little hope don’t we? I know I do! As the new year opens up all of us are HAPPY to see 2020 go! I’m not sure what it looked like for you, but for me and my family it turned into a crazy adventure.  We moved in January 2020 to Central America to begin working…

Light is Coming

Light is Coming My children love to play hide and seek in the dark. We buy a few glow sticks from the dollar store, wait until the sun sets, and then turn off all of the lights. They run around giggling and hiding in the dark while someone counts. Their laughter echoes through the house and I can’t help but wonder who will stub their toe first. As much as they beg and beg to play hide and seek in…