How to Study the Bible for Beginners – Choosing Where to Read

How to Study the Bible for Beginners – Choosing Where to Read Have you ever asked this question: Where do I read in the Bible today? Today I want to share how to study the Bible for beginners with the NUMBER ONE way you choose where to read. It is super simple and I hope you keep reading to find out what I mean by this! Get a Plan. When we have a plan, SOMEONE else chooses for us! If…

How to Study the Bible for Beginners – Making a Plan

  How to Study the Bible for Beginners – Making a Plan Today I’m going to share with you one simple way you can start reading the Bible. The questions I get when it comes to Bible study is how to start. So here is how to start:  Get a Plan That’s it. Get a plan. Having a plan is the best way to start. If you are wanting a ready-made-plan, scroll to the bottom. If you would like to…

How We Know God’s Word Is Trustworthy

How We Know God’s Word Is Trustworthy Have you ever been betrayed by someone? I think we’ve all been there. I remember being betrayed by close friends in my early twenties. I was an adult, married, with a little baby. These things didn’t happen to me now, right? I wasn’t in high school anymore. But I was betrayed. Lied about and hurt deeply.  In our deepest hurts we sometimes hold on to the lies the enemy whispers: We can’t trust…

Three Steps to Make Your Own Bible Reading Plan

Three Steps to Make Your Own Bible Reading Plan  What are you struggling with right now in your life? Do you need hope, joy, faith, or strength? I’ve talked for years about how the Bible meets every single one of our needs. It is true. Sometimes we might not know where to start reading.  If the Bible really does speak into every need we have, where do we find these verses? How do we find help when the Bible seems…