How You Can’t Miss Out On Your Life 

How You Can’t Miss Out On Your Life FOMO. Do you have it? The fear of missing out can be a very subtle pull in our hearts. The working moms fear they are missing out on the small moments at home. The stay-at-home moms are afraid of being less-than by a world consumed with productivity. One of the lies loneliness will tell us is we are missing out on our life. Loneliness sometimes causes us to feel less-than, left-out, and…

For the Woman Who Never Reads Her Bible

For the Woman Who Never Reads Her Bible Maybe by now you’ve realized by now I’m a big proponent of “quiet time.” Let me clarify: I do not mean the time when life is quiet in volume or when our hearts feel at perfect peace. What I’m talking about has little do with our circumstances and has everything to do with the state of our hearts. My life is crazy. Anyone who sees and looks in can see it. A…

Do you need to feel God’s love?

Do you need to feel God’s love? Did you know sometimes I don’t “feel” loved by God? Most of the time I’m feeling guilty for a bad choice….or maybe it has been a couple of days since I read my Bible. Either way, there are times I sit and think: Does God really love me? It is silly – especially since I KNOW God loves me. I sing about it. I tell my children this truth. I make life choices…

Scripture Writing Challenge: True Love

Each week on Wednesdays for the month of February I want to share with you a FREE printable writing challenge! Feel free to print them off and begin the challenge – or keep them to use for later. If you are stuck in your Bible reading and I just don’t know where to start these are GREAT places to start! I hope they encourage you to open God’s Word and write it out. There isn’t anything magical about writing God’s…