True Love Bible Reading Plan

True Love Bible Reading Plan Has love hurt you? It has me. Friends. My spouse. Family. Church members. Women. We’ve all be hurt by love. It is hard to know (and accept) true love. Can I give you a little hope? Therefore thus says the LORD: “If you turn, I will restore you, and you shall stand before me…..I will deliver you out of the hand of the wicked,and redeem you from the grasp of the ruthless.” Jeremiah 15:19, 21…

Praying Through the Year

My mother has this obsession for succulent plants. It started with a trip to the Amish country and she saw all of the tiny plants in cut pots. When she came home from her trip, she set up a succulent garden in the back room of her house. It get the most light during the day. If you were to walk back to the narrow hallway, you will see them on the windowsill. She rarely waters them, but they still…

5 Ways to Keep Going in Your Bible Study

Five Ways to Keep Going in Your Bible Study For two summers I babysat my younger cousins who lived across town. They were nine and seven. I was around thirteen or fourteen. Their mom went to work at 7:30 each morning. So instead of my mom getting up early and dragging out my brother and sisters, I rode my bike across town each day. I relished the feeling of freedom, peddling on the backroads. I traveled the same roads each…

The Best Christian Books You’ve Probably Never Heard Of (Under $9)!

The Best Christian Books You’ve Probably Never Heard Of (Under $9)! Friends, I love books. Seems obvious, right? But I’m always on the look out for some “new” books to encourage my faith, deeper my understanding of God, and give me inspiration for my life. I have some books I’ve had for a long time, which have made a huge impact of my life. Some of them I might have shared here on the blog, but I wanted to put this…