The Best Christian Books You’ve Probably Never Heard Of (Under $9)!

The Best Christian Books You’ve Probably Never Heard Of (Under $9)! Friends, I love books. Seems obvious, right? But I’m always on the look out for some “new” books to encourage my faith, deeper my understanding of God, and give me inspiration for my life. I have some books I’ve had for a long time, which have made a huge impact of my life. Some of them I might have shared here on the blog, but I wanted to put this…

A Joy-Filled Reading Plan

As I shared the other day…. God is working in our lives, and it is reason enough to rejoice when we know God is working in other people’s lives. And if our work seems futile, don’t worry. I’ve felt sometimes “ministries” I’ve endeavored to pursue have flopped and been such a waste of time. Adoption for one. Everyday I feel like I messed it up. I didn’t trust God when we were in China. I struggled for so many months,…

Three Places You Can Start Reading the Bible – TODAY

Three Places You Can Start Reading the Bible – TODAY Sometimes starting is the hardest part. When I wanted to run a 5k a few years ago, I started out by walking. It seemed counterintuitive to start running by walking. But I needed to warm up to a 5k. I did that by walking. Then I began walking and running intervals. Just a few minutes here and a few minutes there. After just six weeks I was running for twenty…