10 of God’s Promises for You

10 of God’s Promises for You  One of the most frequent questions I hear God ask me is this: Do you trust My promises? Of course my heart would like to say, YES! Of course I trust Your promises. Unfortunately, my actions speak louder than my words. I worry, doubt, and try to manipulate my circumstances so that it doesn’t really look like I trust God’s promises. It is a teeter-totter of emotions, but really I need to hop off…

How to Read the Bible for Beginners

How To Read the Bible for Beginners  Do you feel like a beginner when it comes to Bible? Are you intimidated by everyone who posts pretty pictures on Instagram of their Bible study/reading space? Is the Bible confusing, collecting dust, or creating in you a deep sense of guilt?  The expert in anything was once a beginner. – Anonymous  Everyone started somewhere – even me! There is no shame in beginning, in fact I salute you for wanting to start…

5 (More) Prayers to Pray Over Bible Study

5 (More) Prayers to Pray Over Bible Study These are the days of upside down feelings. When we read about what is going on in the world I feel like my heart goes from worry to wonder. I see so much heartache and pain, but then I see the good, the beautiful, and praise God for His amazing provision. The emotional whiplash is hard on a soul, but isn’t this real life too? Joy and sorrow? Suffering and rejoicing? Hope…

Seven of the Best Women Bible Study Teachers

Seven of the Best Women Bible Study Teachers  Over the past seven years I’ve held an in-home Bible study. In that time we would do around three Bible studies a year.  I’ve led and been a part of Bible studies for over twenty years now. I’ve done all of the “big names” in Bible study, as well as lesser-known Bible teachers. After doing a lot of research, here are seven of the best women Bible study teachers. I feel these…