One Way to Lift Your Loneliness

One Way to Lift Your Loneliness Surely I was the only mom who felt this way. My husband had to practically push me into the shower to wash up. “We are going out for dinner.” He told me after arriving home to see me a teary mess. Our newborn son lay in his crib, finally asleep after hours of crying. Being a new mom, I didn’t want to leave him but I also wanted to run away. The crying was…

Waking Up to New Mercies

Waking Up to New Mercies Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23 Most of the time I’m not keen on waking up in the morning. In fact, I struggle to get up in the morning and I’m not sure why. Well, I kind of know why. I’m so bad about staying up late. Once my husband and I get the kids into bed (which feels…

How the Psalms Are a Place of Comfort

How the Psalms Are a Place of Comfort The moment I realized I needed more than a sentiment was the time I laid in bed cried. The tears were literally soaking my pillow. The next morning massacre marked the white cotton. Good vibes, simple prayers, and love from those around me couldn’t solve the hopelessness I felt deep inside my soul. Have you ever felt this way? Overwhelmed with anxiety you literally struggled to breathe? Deep in the pit of…

The Two Best Missionary Biographies

Ever since I was a little girl I loved reading missionary biographies! My mom always had a good stack for us to choose from but even as I’ve gotten older I realize I still love to read them.  Here is a list of some of my favorites. But the two of the very best Christian missionary biographies are these two: The first is by a favorite author of mine: Elisabeth Elliot. Mrs. Elliot’s story is fascinating, but her biography of…