Best Tips and Practices for Bible Study 

Best Tips and Practices for Bible Study I met one of my soul sisters in a closet.  That’s right.  A real closet in an elementary school we both taught at almost ten years ago. We call ourselves the “soul sisters.” I know. Not super original and very cheesy – but you see, my group of girls are all both super normal and super cheesy. We love each other. It all started over six years ago. I was feeling very alone in…

Five Steps to Leading a Bible Study

Five Steps to Leading a Bible Study The smell of the China hit me like a ton of bricks as I walked into the Asian market down the street from our local library. It was not the smell of fog, as the media would like you to believe. China smell is a mixture of spices unknown to my American brain, or taste buds for that matter. It hints of cinnamon with curry and something else. The China air is full…

How to Host Your Own Bible Study

How to Host Your Own Bible Study Many years have passed since I first opened my home to a group of women to study the Bible. For the next few posts I’d like to share a series on hosting and leading a Bible study in your home. When we host and lead a Bible study we wear two hats. For this first post, I’d like to share how to host a Bible study. Whether you are doing the teaching or…

Begin Anew Reading Plan

Begin Anew Reading Plan What does March mean for you?  Maybe its just another month.  March for me is the beginning of spring. Yes. I know spring is technically in April, but let me explain to you how three years ago during the month of March my life was flipped upside down. Begin anew. I stood at the airport, in a daze. I had flown into this airport dozens of times. With only three main gates, the Yeager Airport in…