How to Be Rich Towards God

Oh how abundant is your GOODNESS which you have stored up for those who fear you, and worked for those who take refuge in you. Psalm 31:19. I love my sweet little girl, but she is a collector. The tiniest little toys end up in her various pouches, purses, and boxes. From Shopkins, to Barbie shoes, to legos….she puts them all away to save. {Save for what I have yet to figure out….} Sometimes she will carry them with her…

Seven Truths When You Are Drowning in Sadness

A few weeks ago I had a dream. I was walking along a path. On the right side was the mud-filled river. Slowly weaving its path to the sea. The ground beside the water was muddy and wet. As I walked along and I looked to my left. It was filled with broken down shells of houses. The houses were made of concrete and some had doors, others had none. I walked passed almost a hundred houses. The windows were all broken…

3 Steps for Finding Quiet Time When Life is Loud

3 Steps for Finding Quiet Time When Life is Loud Ok, when they hand you that sweet little baby for the first time in the hospital, I think there should be a pamphlet entitled “Things to Know.” Here are a few I would put in it: All of the overwhelming emotions are normal. Don’t worry if he/she doesn’t poop in two or three days. A week is when you should be worried. Sleep when the baby sleeps. Yes, do it. No,…

A Playlist for Bible Study

I’m going to share something little bit different today.One of my steps is to find some good music and invest in earbuds. I spend some afternoons writing, reading, and praying. To help eliminate the distractions, I put in some good music and listen while I study. I make sure I’m in a central location, and I do it during nap time (which is quiet time for the older kids). The kids still come and ask me stuff when I have my…