3 Things to Do if Life is Sad

3 Things to Do if Life is Sad  Everyone is Grieving Friend, maybe Christmas is sad for you and you don’t even realize it.  The holiday seasons are filled with joy, but sometimes underneath it all we end up grieving some very hard things. A few weeks ago I wrote something as a comment on Instagram and suddenly I realized the depths and truth I had just typed. What was meant to encourage someone else were actually the words I…

How to Find God’s Presence, When We Don’t Feel It

How to Find God’s Presence, When We Don’t Feel It Immanuel God with us….it is a common phrase during the Christmas season, but where do we get this phrase, and how can it be comforting? Is God’s presence really good? Even when we don’t feel it? The phrase “God with us” actually comes from Matthew 1:18-25 when the angel speaks to Joseph in a dream. Imagine. Joseph is a man of God, who desires to do what is right, but…

What Is God Doing? 

What Is God Doing?  Have you ever thought, “What in the world are you doing, God!?” You look at your life and think: GOD! Where are you? And why are you not answering my prayers?  What about that really really painful thing in your life? Do you wonder…..does God even….care?  I’ve had more disappointments and challenges than I’d wish. From depression, to grieving a grandmother, and walking through the brokenness of adoption, these disruptions have raised hard, even painful questions—about…

Why To Read Your Bible At Night

Why To Read Your Bible At Night I recently wrote this post for Crosswalk.com about why to read your Bible at night.  When my children were little babies, bedtime was always a routine. We did bath time, some cereal, a bottle, then bed. From the time my firstborn was four months old we had a routine. It just worked for us. As they grew older, and we added more children (we have five now), the backbone of the routine remained…