Three Steps to Joy

Joy. Sometimes I fight for her like a warrior. Sometimes I give up and let her go. Joy doesn’t seem to stay, especially during these winter months. So many times I want JOY, but what is the cost? Am I sacrificing the right things? I want joy, so I get up early but then feel tired because I didn’t go to bed early. I try to manipulate my little people – turning on the T.V. or getting games started. But somehow they…

Free Bible Study Guides

Hi friend! I have some amazing resources for you today! Back a few weeks ago I shared 3 Ways to Study the Bible. I’ve decided to add some great FREE printables to go along with those three methods!  I’ve developed new Bible study guides!!! I realized we all have different amounts of time to spend in Bible study, so there are various options for you! After you enter your email, you will have access to THREE ways to study the Bible in…

Let Me Talk About the Most Important Thing

For this Tuesday Talk link-up, I’m going to get real here. I want to share with you something I’ve never shared on this blog. In fact, my husband has challenged me to share this – and I think today is the perfect day. So many of you, my sweet friends and readers, have been on my heart these past few weeks. The Lord has convicted my heart because this isn’t MY blog, it is HIS. The words I try share here…

Three Places You Can Start Reading the Bible – TODAY

Three Places You Can Start Reading the Bible – TODAY Sometimes starting is the hardest part. When I wanted to run a 5k a few years ago, I started out by walking. It seemed counterintuitive to start running by walking. But I needed to warm up to a 5k. I did that by walking. Then I began walking and running intervals. Just a few minutes here and a few minutes there. After just six weeks I was running for twenty…