Looking Up From the Pit : A Free Audio Devotional

Looking Up From the Pit : A Free Audio Devotional  While in the pit of despair, we hate that phrase don’t we? Of course we are looking up! Only, when we do look up from the pit all we see is a nasty hole above us. We know the way out, but we can’t get there. So we just resign to stop looking up to what we can’t grasp.  Have you ever felt so utterly afraid you couldn’t even look…

When Fear Interrupts Our Plans

When Fear Interrupts Our Plans  These words were written several years ago, but sometimes feelings return because circumstances in our life change on a dime. These are the days of….fear. I still don’t have this perfectly sorted out, but I can say Fear does not have to have the final word.  More tears began to flow. I hated myself for feeling this way. The tightness in my chest came first. It slowly inched its way from the center of my…

Intimacy Over Isolation

Intimacy Over Isolation  These are the days of…..isolation.  Living in Honduras has already slowed my life in a myriad of ways. I notice I don’t rush to get up. I’m not worried if we are late. My to-do list doesn’t get all done, but my heart is ok. Because tomorrow will come soon enough. There has been more reading, sewing, and art. Music and writing has flooded our home. We all sit and laugh more.  I’ve already felt a little…

Five Tips for Reading Your Bible if You Don’t Enjoy Reading

Five Tips for Reading Your Bible if You Don’t Enjoy Reading One of my sons doesn’t particularly like to read. We finally found some book series that he likes, so he was excited to begin reading “for fun.” Until he had read all of the books in the series. Then he was done reading for fun. As he struggles to read, I was struck with the thought: “How can I encourage him, a non-reader, to enjoy reading the Bible?” What…