I Really Don’t Want You to Miss This!

  Hi sweet friend! I’ll make this short. With just a few hours before the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle sale is over, I wanted to reach out once more. I know that tomorrow morning, I’ll hear from people who are disappointed they missed out, and I just don’t want you to be one of them! If you’ve been meaning to grab this bundle, this is your VERY last chance to get this curated collection of resources to help you: Find time…

Do You Struggle With Finding God?

Do you long for a deeper relationship with God, but the hustle and busyness of ordinary life makes it difficult to squeeze in personal devotion time? Ultimate Bundles has teamed up with Jami Balmet from Young Wife’s Guide to offer you a free, live webinar called Finding God in Your Busy Day (creative ways to grow your faith when you don’t have time for devotions). During this webinar, Jami will teach you: Where to start finding God-time (in unexpected places)…

A Place to Land {Book Review}

A Place to Land {Book Review} Where do you live?  When we announced we would be moving to Honduras, it began to hit my husband and I: this is real! We are really moving our family to another place. The other day we were driving around town, and Jason mentioned how he is finally familiar enough with our city to feel at home. He has lived here for over fifteen years. I’ve always lived in this area, so saying we…

How the Cross Taught Me About the Goodness of God

How the Cross Taught Me About the Goodness of God He is always good.  Sometimes I don’t understand this truth. Even if its true. Nothing in this life from the outside will tell you God is good. In fact, some days I can the the skeptic’s and atheist’s points of view. If all you see, with a dead heart and dead eyes is the surface, then yes. God cannot be good. Or if He is good, He cannot be all-powerful….