How to Study the Bible for Beginners – Staying Focused

How to Study the Bible for Beginners – Staying Focused  “Focus,” I said to my five-year-old son. Outside the world was green and brown with the forest behind our house. He noticed a squirrel jump onto the ledge of the backyard deck. The window was right in my Kindergartener’s line of sight. “Let’s switch places,” I responded. After gaining his focus, I struggled to keep it.  I couldn’t get too mad at my son because I was so similar when…

How to Study the Bible for Beginners – Choosing Where to Read

How to Study the Bible for Beginners – Choosing Where to Read Have you ever asked this question: Where do I read in the Bible today? Today I want to share how to study the Bible for beginners with the NUMBER ONE way you choose where to read. It is super simple and I hope you keep reading to find out what I mean by this! Get a Plan. When we have a plan, SOMEONE else chooses for us! If…

How to Study the Bible for Beginners – Making a Plan

  How to Study the Bible for Beginners – Making a Plan Today I’m going to share with you one simple way you can start reading the Bible. The questions I get when it comes to Bible study is how to start. So here is how to start:  Get a Plan That’s it. Get a plan. Having a plan is the best way to start. If you are wanting a ready-made-plan, scroll to the bottom. If you would like to…

How the Bible Really Does Help Us Make Decisions

How the Bible Really Does Help Us Make Decisions Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path. Psalm 119:105   When I was younger I memorized this verse because it was part of a class for church.  Today I’ve kept this verse close to my heart because life gets a little dark sometimes, doesn’t it? I need a lamp. The next step isn’t always clear. What if you have two choices and both are…