Five Psalms of Security

Five Psalms of Security In the darkest of nights I laid on my bed and wondered. I sought to see if God would abandon me. Would I lose it? This salvation I had held onto since the age of eight, would it disappear in the cloud of sin, disappointment, and doubt surrounding me tonight? With the doubts, could He forgive my unbelief? Because of the sin, am I too unclean?  The deepness of the depression felt too far, too dark,…

Do you need to feel God’s love?

Do you need to feel God’s love? Did you know sometimes I don’t “feel” loved by God? Most of the time I’m feeling guilty for a bad choice….or maybe it has been a couple of days since I read my Bible. Either way, there are times I sit and think: Does God really love me? It is silly – especially since I KNOW God loves me. I sing about it. I tell my children this truth. I make life choices…

Scripture Writing Challenge: True Love

Each week on Wednesdays for the month of February I want to share with you a FREE printable writing challenge! Feel free to print them off and begin the challenge – or keep them to use for later. If you are stuck in your Bible reading and I just don’t know where to start these are GREAT places to start! I hope they encourage you to open God’s Word and write it out. There isn’t anything magical about writing God’s…

Free Printable Christian Valentines

  Did you know I used to work at a Hallmark store? Yes, in high school and college I worked at a little shop that sold Hallmark cards. It was called The Hello Shoppe. Don’t you just love that little name? It was teh cutest little store. Our busiest times of the year were Christmas and Valentine’s Day. No surprise there. I remember we would decorate with the red and pink hearts. Just a few days after the first of…