Why a Local Bible Study is the Best Way to Connect

On Thursday afternoons my mom would pile all of us kids into the van and drive fifteen minutes to the North side of Charleston. We would all jump out of the car and run up the concrete steps. I can still see the big blue steel door and smell the mixture of chalk and sweat as we walked into the gymnastic’s building. Every Thursday the homeschooling group in our area gathered we could take gymnastics lesson. The little kids were first….

FREE Hope-Filled Encouragement

“Hope itself is like a star – not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity. ” ― C.H. Spurgeon 7 Days of HOPE Verses to keep you going. If you find yourself devoid of hope…… If the darkness is too great….. If sadness follows you around…. If hope seems so far away….. Don’t wait to find help, look to Scripture today.  Receive 7 days of emails filled with HOPE. Hope-filled Bible…

Free Bible Printables – Jan. 2016

I’ve worked all month in sharing some great Bible Devotional Printables for YOU, my sweet reader. So in case you missed them, here is a list of available printables from January!             Blessings! Connect with me in the daily here: Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Instagram ~ Pinterest Welcome to Tuesday Talk! Make sure to follow along with our hosts and drop a link below! Beth at Our Pretty Little Girls | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram Liz at Chasin’ Mason | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram Jessica at Sweet Little Ones | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram Crystal at Hall Around Texas | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram Stephanie at Wife…

A Joy-Filled Reading Plan

As I shared the other day…. God is working in our lives, and it is reason enough to rejoice when we know God is working in other people’s lives. And if our work seems futile, don’t worry. I’ve felt sometimes “ministries” I’ve endeavored to pursue have flopped and been such a waste of time. Adoption for one. Everyday I feel like I messed it up. I didn’t trust God when we were in China. I struggled for so many months,…