What About Storms in Our Lives?

What About Storms in Our Lives?  The clouds were so beautiful the other evening. A much needed thunder/rain storm was on its way. We stood outside and even took a short walk around the block. We didn’t care that we might get wet. We were close enough to our house and it was so hot it wouldn’t have mattered if we had gotten soaked. As we walked, I knew. This was a blessing. This was the kindness of God. A…

How the Bible Gives Us Hope

How the Bible Gives Us Hope  I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, And in His word I do hope.  Psalm 130:5 Gently rocking a newborn to sleep one morning I gazed at my coffee cup. It was filled halfway with cold coffee. In the middle of my desk is my prayer journal. With only a few words written at the top and an incomplete sentence I gazed at the unfinished tasks before me. The “to-do” list from yesterday…

Let Go of the Lonely Label

Let Go of the Lonely Label  What is your name? What does the name tag you wear say about you and what you believe about yourself? Women everywhere are living in loneliness. Sometimes it rears its ugly head when they least expect it. Often it simmers under the surface, whispering lies they believe to be true. Because their circumstances go unchanged, they begin to tell themselves they are unloved, uneasy, and unseen.  These are the names they write on the…

Sorrow and Joy: Close Companions in Life

Sorrow and Joy: Close Companions in Life  Almost four months ago I wrote this in my journal on January 22, 2020.  There are mixed feelings today. Joy and Sorrow. We are moving into our house today! The Joy is to finally be settled. The joy of seeing the children happy and becoming more at peace. The sorrow is there too. That this move is real. We are not on vacation. We are making this our home. Home. A place to…