How to See In the Dark: A FREE Reading Plan on Hope

How to See In the Dark: A FREE Reading Plan on Hope  “Hope itself is like a star- not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity. ”- CH Spurgeon Do you find yourself surrounded by darkness? Maybe it is full of fear, anxiety, or depression. Maybe family relationships are strained, and are only filled with bitterness and strife. Darkness seems to permeate our world. Light is the first thing…

Intimacy Over Isolation

Intimacy Over Isolation  These are the days of…..isolation.  Living in Honduras has already slowed my life in a myriad of ways. I notice I don’t rush to get up. I’m not worried if we are late. My to-do list doesn’t get all done, but my heart is ok. Because tomorrow will come soon enough. There has been more reading, sewing, and art. Music and writing has flooded our home. We all sit and laugh more.  I’ve already felt a little…

When Life is Crazy, There is Always Hope

When Life is Crazy, There is Always Hope  When life is crazy…there is always hope.  The world is a little upside down, isn’t it? The virus, social distancing, statistics, quarantine, restricted travel, and closed borders. So many voices crowding for a spot in our heads, and eventually it makes its way to our hearts.  These are the days of slow mornings, empty calendars, and fear. Desperate for news, we run to our phones, devices, computers, and miss it. There is…

How to Know God Through the Psalms 

How to Know God Through the Psalms  Do you know him?  Who, I asked?  President Bush, she replied.  I giggled. We were on a mission’s trip to another country. A native asked me if I knew our president. She figured since I was an American I knew him. To her disappointment, I didn’t know the president the way she was implying.  Our pastor was talking a few weeks ago about knowing God. Not just the head knowledge, but the heart…