Battling Anxiety with Prayer

Battling Anxiety with Prayer  “Here, O LORD, when I cried aloud; be gracious to me and answer me!” Psalm 27:7 It was early morning when the crack of thunder woke us up. The sound of the rain, flashes of light, and that deep rumble, shook the window panes.I love thunderstorms. But, not Titus, he usually wakes up crying. My little Titus is a sweet soul, a middle child and a fierce fighter. His competitive nature, carefree wrestling, and contagious smile…

What Does the Bible Say About Anxiety?

What Does the Bible Say About Anxiety?  What if?  That question put me into a cycle of anxiety every time. When I think about my marriage, my children, and my work, that ONE question always boils up. Because we are women who love and desire to know God’s word, we need to ask this question right after the “what if’s” come:  What does the Bible say about worry and anxiety? The simple answer is: don’t do it. But what if…

21 Verses on Anxiety

21 Verses on Anxiety The tightness in my chest came first. It slowly inched its way from the center of my core and made its way up to my breathing. In and out. I could count the breaths because that’s all I heard. My husband’s breathing next to me disappeared as the tears began to pool in the corner of my eyes.  Under the covers, I could feel my legs but couldn’t move them. The physical darkness of my bedroom…

Four Ways to Choose Hope Today

Four Ways to Choose Hope Today When someone asked me a few weeks ago what I was feeling at the beginning of 2021, I think the words: “cautiously hopeful” came out almost immediately. I’m cautiously hopeful this year will be better. Are you wondering if you could choose hope too? Sometimes the practical is the best.  If you need some immediate hope I encourage you to try one of these things: Four Ways to Choose Hope Today:  1. Go outside….