A Bible Reading Plan Designed for You

2017 is coming fast! If you are like me, you struggle with reading your Bible. I sometimes just want to read Scritpure (which is different than studying). But where do I start? About ten years ago I had a trusted friend share with me her secret Bible reading plan. I’ve been using it ever since. It is my go-to if I don’t have a ton of time to study God’s word for 15-20 minutes. I love the idea of NOT having…

When You Need a Little Hope This Season

Today I’m struggling to find HOPE this season. I couldn’t figure out what has made this Christmas a little more sad than normal. Until I began to see pictures of my friends with their grandparents, I knew. I knew it was her.  I miss her. My sweet grandmother, only gone for 6 years, but it feels like eternity. Her death still affects me today. I long to just sit in her living room, walk into her kitchen, or wrap my arms…

My New Book is Here!

I’m so excited for my new Bible Study! It just released!!! The Glorious Ordinary: An Invitation to Study God’s Word in Your Everyday Life The Bible study includes the following: A 9-week Bible study using my special PRAY method to help guide you through studying scripture. Various passages are used, as you begin to read verses in context of the entire book and chapters found in the Bible. Each chapter begins with an introduction, where I share a little of my…

How to Stay Thankful Free Printable

The carnival arrived in town. As we crossed the bridge, we saw the rides, concessions, and lights. We parked the car and walked across the pavement to the grass. My hands were clammy and my heart beat fast. The old ticket was folded then handed to the attendant. We strapped our bodies in the ride and I breathed in deep. Willing my heart to clam, I wiped my hands on my jeans and turned to my friend. We offered each other a weak…