Seven Lessons I’ve Learned {so far} This Year

Seven Lessons I’ve Learned This Year From January to March our lives were busy with preparing to travel to China. Finishing up adoption paperwork, packing, and home schooling. March to May is a little blurry. Cocooning. That’s pretty much it. March was the month of transition. A month of transformation. A month of shifting. A shift in our world, a shirt in our hearts. June through September brought us out of the “China fog” and into a summer of relaxing, fun, and…

A Month of Rest

The month of rest is almost over. I can’t believe September has flown by so fast. Learning to be still has taught me some lessons…. First, we start with being still with choosing to be still. I’ve found my life doesn’t have to be quiet for me to have quiet time. Prayer is one of the components of being still….and prayer is essential when waiting. The Lord taught me that the 7 Habits of Resting have more to do with…

5 Practical Steps to Strengthen Your Prayer Life

“Prayer is not an exercise, it is the life.” My girlhood summers were spent at the pool. Our family always bought the family passes.  My brother, sisters, and mom would spend hours up on the hill. It overlooked our small town and cemetery. The cool blue water called to me on the hottest of days. I loved swimming across the length and breadth of the pool. It wasn’t a coincidence “The Little Mermaid” came out when I was in elementary school. I often wished…

When the Routine Changes

I have a love/hate relationship with routines. I sometimes have a hard time when the routine changes. My OCD/perfectionist/controlling tendencies LOVE routines.  I like to know what to expect and when to expect it. I even like to know a few steps before and after the “it” that I am expecting.  Life (i.e. kids, marriage, adoption) has really challenged that notion. I realized that flexibility is such a great asset, and a necessity to live a life trusting God. Routines My…