How to Make a Prayer Journal 

How to Make a Prayer Journal  Our garden this year is completely overrun. We had grand plans for green beans, green peppers, pumpkins, tomatoes, squash, and even broccoli. Unfortunately, we let it be overrun with weeds and failed to water it during the drier days. It is a sad little plot of land, barren and empty. Cultivating a garden takes work, and so does cultivating a prayer life. If we neglect prayer in our Bible study time, we might find…

Six Psalms of Hope

Six Psalms of Hope One of my favorite verses is in Psalm 42. A few years ago I spent the full year in the book of Psalms. I read the verses over and over again. After I had read through the book several times I dicicd to park on a few of my favorite psalms. It turned out most of the chapters I decided to focus on where all about one thing: HOPE. In a world full of bad news,…

How to Make Lasting Spiritual Change

If you were wondering how to make REAL spiritual progress this year, Grace Goals is for you. I promise this is NOT a sale’s pitch – it is really something that has changed my life. My mom was commenting on how much patience I have the other day. IT IS NOT AN ACCIDENT that God has been working on my heart this year because of Grace Goals. Last year I really wanted to see a change in my patience. I…

How to Have Rest This Christmas

My goal each night is to go to bed early. Never happens. Especially during the Christmas season. The to-do list never ends and I just want to get it all done. If I don’t, who will? Presents need wrapped. Gifts bought. (Ordered online, let’s be honest) House decorated. Cookies baked. Chex mix made. Have I mentioned I’m a control-freak, perfectionist? I don’t think I have time to rest when so much needs to be done CORRECTLY. So there is no time…