5 Ways to Use a Bible Journal

5 Ways to Use a Bible Journal
As long as I can remember I’ve had a journal next to my Bible. Thinking back, I realized I only started using one about ten years ago. Although I’ve done pre-written and guided Bible studies most of my life since high school, I didn’t start using a journal until I became serious about my Bible reading. More than just reading the words on a page like a novel or self-help book, I wanted the book to change me. the Bible wasn’t meant to be read simply for pleasure (although you can do that).

You see, God will meet us in the pages here and when we meet with God we are changed! Do you want peace? Joy? Happiness? Comfort? What you need is found here. But how do we access this change? Simply reading doesn’t always do this. (although it can). The Bible was meant to change us, and that’s where a journal can help.
What kind of journal?
You can use any notebook. I’ve purchased several on Amazon. These are the ESV Bible journals for the New Testament. They are fantastic! You can get a simple spiral notebook, but I like one that matches the same size as my Bible. These are great because they are lined. I also don’t pick a journal with lots of pages. I don’t know if it is psychological but if I have too many “blank” spaces, I have a hard time filling it up. So I pick smaller journals with few pages. The blank, lined journals are best.

If you need some more guidance and like questions to answer, pre-made journals are a good fit! You can find pre-made Bible study journals all over the internet. They have guided questions to help show you what to write. Here are a few of my favorites:
- RootedInk (These are more like Prayer journals, but they are good too!)
If your budget is tight, or you want something simpler, grab yourself one of these journals on Amazon and you can start today with one of these ways to use it. Personally, I’ve done all of these – but never at the same time. The truth is we have a limited amount of time, so we need to use it wisely. If you are just getting started, try one or two at a time. Use that method for a few weeks or months, then switch it up. Find something that works for you and stick to it.

5 Ways to Use a Bible Journal
1. Write out scripture.
2. Write your prayers.
3. Write down what you learned. You can write the key words, meanings, or what you learned about this passage.
4. Write a response to what you read.
5. Write down questions. Yes, you have permission to ask questions. We cannot think we will now

Which method is your favorite? Leave a comment below with how you use a Bible journal? Is there a way you use your journal that I didn’t mention? Tell me! I would love to learn more ways to use a Bible journal.

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This is for you if:
- You’re busy, but you want to prioritize the Bible
- You’ve tried to study it before, but couldn’t make heads or tails of what you were reading
- You’re willing to take it one step at a time, and digest what you learn in small bites
- You like easy and simple, but also want to go deeper and learn more
- You’re short on time, but big on desire for more of God in your everyday life