Let’s Read the Bible – Judges

Let’s Read the Bible – Judges The book of Judges reads like a circle. It begins with Israel committing idolatry, and worshiping other gods. Then God allows some sort of sorrow to plague the people. Sometimes He would cause neighboring armies to come in and raid. Other times there would be famines (which meant no rain or food). After suffering, the Israelites cry out to God. It says in Judges 2:18 that “The Lord was moved to pity by their…

Why God Doesn’t Need Us 

Why God Doesn’t Need Us  I’m not sure if you heard – but I’m writing a book! That’s right! B&H Publishing (a division of Lifeway) has contracted me to write a book on the life of Moses. I can’t wait to share more details later and if you would like to stay up to date on all book-writing news, sign up here. Today I want to share what I am learning about why God doesn’t need us. As I study…

Let’s Read the Bible – The Letters of John 

Let’s Read the Bible – The Letters of John  Remember the days when we were young and we sent actual letters in the mail? At the end of Bible camp one summer when I was twelve, the girls in my cabin exchanged mailing addresses. I sent almost everyone on that list a card, but only one girl wrote me back. Her name was Heather and we sent letters to each other for years. During our teenage years the internet came…

Reading the Bible Without An Agenda

Reading the Bible Without An Agenda My little planner heart likes agendas. When I attend meetings, I love getting an agenda. What are we going to talk about? What is on the horizon? And what can we plan for? Those are questions a control-loving person like me loves! I like to know that there is a purpose in something before I commit to doing it.  If I am honest, having an agenda with my quiet time took a wrong turn…