When Service Looks Like Sippy Cups and Sticky Floors

When Service Looks Like Sippy Cups and Sticky Floors  “I am ready to be offered.” It is a transaction of the will, not of sentiment….Tell God you are ready to be offered, and God will prove Himself to be all you ever dreamed He would be.” – Oswald Chambers Picking up dirty socks wasn’t exactly my idea of serving God. When I imagined being poured out for the sake of the gospel, it didn’t include sticky floors. Their plastic cups…

Kindness as an Action Word

Kindness as an Action Word My son looked at me with sadness in his eyes, “I just wanted to be funny….” I sighed at his plight. Instead of being the “funny” one at school, he often finds himself laughed at (not with), and it hurts my mom-heart to see him upset. Understanding his deep need for recognition and approval I told him, “Son, you can be good at other things. In fact, you are one of the kindest people I…

Why I Wanted Brown Eyes Like Amy Carmichael

Why I Wanted Brown Eyes Like Amy Carmichael  When I was little I wanted brown eyes like Amy Carmichael. I can still see the pictures from my childhood of Amy’s life while my mom stood up in our Sunday school class retelling her story. As a little girl Amy had brown eyes but wished for beautiful blue eyes. After she grew up and moved to India as a missionary she realized God had given her brown eyes for a reason….

Is God Good to Me?

Is God Good to Me?  We live in a world filled with disillusionment. Between cancer and sickness, disappointment and grief, it can be amazingly hard to believe in the real goodness of God, let alone whether God is good to us personally.  Looking at our lives we might be disenchanted with the idea of God’s goodness.  How can we live believing goodness and mercy will surely follow us all of the days of our lives? This is where God’s goodness…