For the Woman Who Doesn’t Love the Bible

For the Woman Who Doesn’t Love the Bible I’ll be the first to admit sometimes I struggle with reading the Bible. It is long. It is hard to understand at times. And honestly tiring. We come up with all kinds of excuses as to why we don’t read the Bible. Although it would never be said aloud, we think, “I wish I could love the Bible more….” Maybe today I offer some encouragement to your heart. First, I’ve been there….

Lessons from Psalm 119

Lessons from Psalm 119  At first glance Psalm 119 seems daunting and repetitive. Honestly, how often can someone say they love God’s word? We get it. You love God’s Word. But if we look deeper it will change us. Here are some lessons God has shown me during my brief look into Psalm 119.  Watch the video here. Download the transcript here. Get a free Psalm 119 Reading Plan here.

How Do You Keep Reading the Bible, When You Don’t Want To?

How Do You Keep Reading the Bible, When You Don’t Want To? How often have you told yourself, “I want to read the Bible, but I just don’t feel like it.” Or maybe you’ve said, “I wish I wanted to read the Bible more, but I just don’t have the motivation.” Today I want to share with you some truths about reading your Bible, even when you don’t want to. I recently read this article by Abigail Dodds. Her analogy…

How to Battle the “What-If’s” of Life

How to Battle the “What-If’s” of Life  To understand worry and anxiety we must look to God. Not in what we can do – but what He has already done! In who God is and our relationship with Him. These are the truths that you know, but need to remember. So how do you do this on a practical level? We go to battle. Ephesians 6 says we do not battle with things of flesh and blood but of spirit,…