Why Don’t They Just Leave Me Alone?

I just want a break. I want to be alone. I need quiet. Please, no one ask me for anything. No one say my name. No music. No television. Just the sounds of…..silence. If I could cook one meal in peace, I would be happy.  It is the reason nap time and bed time are sometimes a mother’s favorite time of the day. Yet, when I travel out of town, who do I miss the most? Yes. Those little humans who are…

31 Days {Worth}

{Worth}   My invisible box of things of worth….. The love between my husband and I. We celebrated ten years of marriage. Twelve years of being together. The love I have for him has grown and deepen in ways I didn’t know possible. The love we share is worth a lot in in my invisible treasure box. It’s amazing how your heart expands when you have children. You think you will have to divided your love between them all. Intead, the…

31 Days {Offer}

{Offer} What do you have to offer? Maybe not the world. Maybe not all of the people you even know…..what do you have to offer those around you? As a stay-at-home mom, feeling like we have nothing to offer is a common feeling. I’m home most days. All day long. Homeschooling is a little isolating as well. I look around at my messy house and wonder what I have to offer. I look around at my messy life and wonder what…

31 Days {Green}

{Green} As the leaves turn from green to autumn browns, reds, yellows, and oranges, I see the change in seasons. A reminder that life is always a season. Changing. Moving forward. Another Fall. Soon, another winter will be here. As all the seasons change, cycling back around, my heart needs something constant. Something to remind me that not all things change. Some things remain the same. My God never changes. His Word is ever true. Never waivering. Not even the…